Friday 5 September 2008

Traffic Warning: Steer Clear!

Unlikely that many people reading this will be affected, or those that are will read it in time, but . . .

The Round Britain cycle race heads in to Newbury on Monday (8th) September, causing traffic congestion, road closures, and loss of car parking spaces.

Hurrah! I'm all in favour of cycle road races like this - I spent a great day 'chasing' the Le Tour dee France when it visited the UK, managin to see it at three locations (and fit in a pub lunch too), one of them being the sprint finish in to Southsea.

So why will this one cause chaos in Newbury?

Because of its route, and because of current roadworks in the area.

The race route enters the town like a spiral; down through Hermitage, across to Chievely and Stockcross, down the A4 from the West, in to the 'top' of the town, back out along the A339 dual carriageway back up to the 'Robin Hood' (again on the A4, and back in to town.

Along the way it will effectively, for half an hour, stuff almost every East-West route through the town, and the only one it doesn't is closed by major resurfacing roadworks!

So if you plan on going to Newbury, don't expect anywhere to park, as about 100 spaces will be lost on the day (and other car parking has been removed because of building work on two sites, and there will be road closures when the race appears C. 1pm.

Good Luck . . .


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