Tuesday 19 August 2008

Department for Transport Wins Diesel Spills Reduction Award

From the BMF:

The Department for Transport (DfT) is this year’s winner of the KillSpills/British Motorcyclists Federation Award 2008 for ‘Achievement in Reducing Diesel Spills’. Transport Minister Jim Fitzpatrick will be presented with the award at the DfTs Great Minster House on 16th October.

The annual award, designed to recognise those helping to reduce the menace to motorcyclists of spilt diesel on our roads, goes to the DfT in recognition of the work they have and are undertaking, in helping to remove the danger of diesel spills from our roads, namely:

- Accepted and included KillSpills suggested revisions to the Highway Code on diesel spillage
- Incorporated an action point in the National Motorcycling Strategy to deal with the issues of diesel spills.
- Funded the KillSpills ‘Anti Diesel Spill’ leaflet for distribution to the road haulage industry
- Invited KillSpills to join the four sub-groups of the National Motorcycling Council tasked with delivering the National Motorcycling Strategy
- Commissioning a study into how to clean up diesel spills with the aim of providing countrywide advice to Local Authorities.

Commenting KillSpills founder Stephen Edwards said: “The DfT deserve recognition for the positive way that they have taken this issue on board. We have never pretended that there is an overnight solution, but the support of the DfT, other agencies and major companies, has allowed us to make real in-roads into this menace.”

This is the fourth year of the award, previous winners being ASDA Distribution in 2005, Sainsbury’s Logistics in 2006 and the Highways Agency in 2007, all of them recognised for the work they had done in raising awareness of the dangers of diesel spillage and taking measures to prevent it.

Note: KillSpills (www.killspills.org.uk), sponsored by the BMF, was formed in 2004 to counter the menace of diesel spillage and particularly, the danger it presents to motorcyclists.


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