Wednesday 22 September 2010

Cornering - The Missing Link

OK, here's the 'answer' to yesterday's question, what was missing from the scene featuring a bend?

'A bend sign'

Here it is, in yesterday's photo it's half hidden by trees, some way in the distance. But a careful assessment of the scene from what was visible on the approach would have made this sign almost unnecessary.

Visible: a bend to the right
Visible: a railway viaduct
Visible: a bus stop, with waiting passengers

Add to that some general knowledge and common sense ( :) ), and the hidden details are already coming to life:

If the railway builders made a hole in the embankment and put a bridge in . . . that's where the road's likely to go.

If the railways almost crossing perpendicular to the road you're on - but you can see a bend to the right, there's likely to be a bend to the left.

Older bridges often weren't built for large lorries and double=decker buses - which have to pass through the centre of the arch.

But the signs are there for everyone, however good they are, to read and use. But often - as is almost the case from a distane with this one - they get overgrown. Then you need to rely on what you've seen earlier, combined with good assessment based on what you can see.


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