
Sunday 3 October 2010

Belstaff 'Iron Man'

Belstaff - a name from UK biking history, now owned by an Italian company.

Italians - renowed for style.

"Fail", as the modern saying goes, when they release the Iron Man range . . .


Fabric composition: 100% Leather

GBP 1189.00

The official Belstaff Iron Man Jacket has been created using Belstaff’s trademark design of combining protection with style. Every Iron Man Jacket is hand-made (just like the Iron Man suit) using the most durable yet finest leather in the Iron Man signature colours of red and gold, with each limited edition jacket tagged with its’ own unique number and official Marvel trademark.

Yes, that's £1189 of your Engleesh pounds!

1 comment:

  1. how hideous can you get! Do they actually beleive anyone would buy that? I wouldn't wear that for a bet.
